Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The photo is the historic Djibouti Ethiopia Train Station.
It is scheduled to be relocated to make way for a new road.
Addis Ababa, the capitol of Ethiopia:
Five million people, twenty thousand little blue and white taxis, only a dozen traffic lights. (or so it seems)
In little shops bananas hanging, chili peppers and lentil beans.
Open sewers, trash burning, sheep scurrying down the street.
Flowers in gardens, trim and neat, while beggars urinate in the street.
City police wearing khaki walking two by two, (only clubs they carry,) while Federal cops with rifles, wearing Camo look a little scary.
Urchins begging, (and selling their wares.)
Loudspeakers blaring call the Muslims to their prayers.
Swarms of people always walking,
At the street-side cafes businessmen talking
Ancient statues in the medians where ladies with scissors crawl and trim the grass.
Loafers sit on the sidewalks nothing else to do as time they pass.
Women carry little babies through the town
One offered to sell to me hers. Makes me frown.
There are many more things I could say
Leave that for another day except:
I LOVE that place and can't wait to return!
Labels: Impressions of Addis Ababa