Saturday, August 05, 2006

Momma Duck

I remember watching a mother duck settle down on her nest. It was years ago in a campground and she had the run of the place.

She examined her nest as she approached. Satisfied all was well she did an about face, put herself in reverse and poised her posterior over the nest. As she did this she was constantly waggling her tail from side to side. For several minutes, (or so it seemed,) she repeated the process. Poise over, wiggle, begin to settle, rise up, poise over………….

Finally she settled her body completely onto the nest but she wasn’t finished. She wiggled front to rear and side to side until she got it just right.

Memaw and I have been married forty four years. When we made the commitment it was for better or worse.
It has been a fascinating journey.
Pain, suffering, happiness, boredom and everything in between. God has helped us through it all and now retired from full time jobs and being close to each other a lot presents a different range of experiences.

This morning Memaw reminded me of the momma duck.
I woke her at seven so she could go for a ride on her bicycle before the heat of the day.
A few minutes later favorite daughter and her husband came walking down the hill to free the guinea fowl, now hopefully mature enough to survive on their own and engage in the pursuit of diminishing the population of ticks, grasshoppers, etc in the area.

First it was share some coffee time, then release the guineas, photograph guineas, watch the guineas,………….
I was to prepare some tomatoes for canning while she went on her ride.
She began to sweep. She draped dog bedding on the clothes line to be aired out. She was down in the basement, she was sup again.
I went to the garden since it was obvious she was going to “wiggle and waggle” for a while.
When I re entered the house and headed for the kitchen sink there she was. (I had already prepared breakfast and washed the dishes to help facilitate her preparation.)

Now it is nine thirty and finally she is loading her bike for a twenty minute journey to the trail she has decided to ride today.

Memaw and momma duck have a lot in common.

Ain’t God good?

Shalom Y'all

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