Sunday, May 07, 2006
Swallow Tailed Kite
Yesterday while I was toiling outside in the torrid heat I looked up just in time to see a swallow tailed kite swoop low, rise again and dissappear.
They are beautiful raptors and incredible acrobats in the airThey seem to arrive in the spring and leave in the fall.
I enjoy watching them whenever I can.
This photo was "borrowed" from a USGS web page.
Shalom Y'all
Yesterday while I was toiling outside in the torrid heat I looked up just in time to see a swallow tailed kite swoop low, rise again and dissappear.
They are beautiful raptors and incredible acrobats in the airThey seem to arrive in the spring and leave in the fall.
I enjoy watching them whenever I can.
This photo was "borrowed" from a USGS web page.
Shalom Y'all