Sunday, May 07, 2006

The quote below is from the outline of the lesson today, presented by “Cardinal” Smith.
You gotta see him preaching in blue jeans to appreciate the humor of that title.

Augustine of Hippo once prayed: “You breathed forth fragrances and I drew in my breath, and I still pant for You. I tasted much, and still I hunger and thirst. You touched me and I burned with desire for Your peace.”

Would that we all have the same desire for God that Augustine had.

A few days ago I was carrying vegetation to the street for pick-up when I noticed two rain lily flowers in the yard.
Nothing unusual about that except rainfall in this usually nearly tropical paradise is at a five yeara low.
Yet there they were in their splendor amongst the tinder dry grass and weeds that make up our lawn.
Now they are gone and I can't even find the leaves of the plant!
Ain’t God good?

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