Monday, March 13, 2006


Yesterday was an unusual time of worship. Since we meet in a part of the building at First Pres., I can only imagine what the ladies in the adjacent kitchen must have thought as we sang, the guitars strummed and the drummer drummed.
Isn’t it strange what seemingly unconnected situations will bring to mind?
While the music played and we sang I wanted to set my feet to dancing and I was reminded of Carley, a teenage girl who was one of the young people I met on the Appallachian Service Project (ASP) last summer. She shared with me that she does liturgical dance.
Liturgical dance probably wouldn’t accurately describe what I would do if my feet and ancient old body would allow, but what Carley does is I’m sure, not only beautiful but inspiring. I hope she and her dad will be on the trip this summer.
Some of the songs were “Blessed be the name” and “Light the Fire.” These are songs from Vineyard Music. Much of music from Vineyard has become popular in so called main stream Christianity.
Any way, we sang and praised and Gary and Steve annointed with oil and prayed for folks.
It was a great time in the Lord.

Ain't God good?
Shalom Y'all

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