Sunday, March 19, 2006

Several weeks ago I began to do many things around the house, although in preparation for it's possible sale, also just because it will be nicer for Memaw and me.
I didn't get it finished! I over did at work and am now "down in the back" even an epidural shot for pain has not made me a lot more comfortable.
I learned long ago not to ask why? Or Why me? There is, after all, "a reason for everything under heaven."
Last week I was given the opportunity to mentor three at-risk young lads. Since my plans are to leave for six months that won't happen. The last thing they need is another man dropping out of their lives.
I can't do my job any more. Can I do the work I planned at favorite youngest daughter's farm?
Will I ever be able to do the physical "stuff" again?
We thought in retirement perhaps we can find some type of mission work to do. If the physical limitations persist is that off the table?
At this point in time I have become one of those old people who must hire someone younger to perform certain tasks.
This presents it's own challenges since funds become an issue.
I can only trust God that He has something in store for me. For us.
I am reminded what a guy named Paul wrote so many years ago: "But thanks be to God, who gave us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
I must learn to be patient and wait for His answer while I do what the doctors prescribe, hoping for good physical results.
Meanwhile, I consider myself to be greatly blessed.
Ain't God good?
Shalom Y'all

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