Thursday, March 23, 2006

Last night in a discussion a pastor used as an example two people who come to the fellowship and are living together, not married.
I question that.
If two people who have been living together don't have a certificate from the state are they not married in God's eyes?
The arguments about church and state go well beyond the bounds of the constitution.
Without getting into the details of that argument I pose this question.
Why would one assume that if someone is not married in the eyes of the state they are not married in the eyes of God?
Does the state interfere with the church when it only recognizes marriage between a man and woman when they have a license issued by a governmental agency?
Does the statement made by Jesus "Render unto Cesar what is ceasar's and unto God what is God's apply to getting a marriage license? I think not.
If there has been no formal recognition of some type, that needs to be done.
I think we have allowed the state too much control over our lives.
Some say in response to such subjects a incest, homosexual activities, etc. the church needs to stay out of the bedroom.
It seems the only time the state wants to involve itself in the bedroom is when a man and woman have made a monogamous commitment to each other and didn't get permission from it.
You bet.
Do I advocate living together outside marriage? No.
I just don't think it is any business of the state and I think it is sad that as a society we only recognize marriage the has been legitimized by the state.
Shalom Y'all

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