Thursday, March 23, 2006


Today has been a pleasant one.
Earlier there was thunder.
Although the sky is still overcast that has passed not depositing any much needed rain.
While I sat here at my desk alternating between computer and telephone I have been entertained by the birds behind me. They come to the little bird feeder outside the window and I am, at times, compelled to swivel around and watch them as they call, scratch and at sometimes compete.
Since “Pretty” the Dalmatian who shared this house with has left, Quaker Parrots are visiting. Feeding, shy, sometimes noisy and noisy, always amusing.
Also visiting are the beautiful ring necked doves, crows, pigeons, and mocking birds.
Just now I was washing dishes at the kitchen sink and the unmistakable sound of a swarm of bees attracted my attention. The roaring sound filled the yard and the kitchen. They nearly fill the yard from about a foot off the ground to about ten feet high.
What kind are they? Why are they here?
Now nearly all of them are in the orchid house!
I for one am not going to risk getting close enough to call one out and ask.
God knows, and that is good enough for me!
I think the birds may know too, since they have departed.
In the time required to type this (I’m very slow,) they have gone.
How do I know?
The doves have returned, cooing and fighting.
What's that? Thunder again?
Yes! and with it sweet, gentle, refreshing, cleansing rain on a dry, and thirsty land.

Ain't God good?

Shalom Y’all

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