Sunday, November 13, 2005

There is an old poem I wrote yesterday.
It goes like this:
I never saw a pink armadillo.
Did you ever see one?
I'll tell you this,
Little miss.
I'd rather see than be one.

Poetry is not something I'm good at.

BUT there is a story behind this one.

Friday Memaw and I were invited by our favorite son and his family to go with them to their hunting camp.
It was a last-minute invitation. We hastily loaded some "stuff" and followed them about sixty miles to the "woods."

It is a rather elaborate camp with a multi bedroom mobile home, screen porch and rockers, a pond, and 2,600 acres of pasture, palmetto, swamp, and Forrest. It even has a screened butcher house and walk in cooler.
The "funnest" part of the day was hunting armadillo with a paintball gun.
The children and women took turns climbing off the buggy and stalking the little critters until they were close enough to shoot with pink paintballs.
It was a barrel of laughs, no harm to the animals, (except a pink splotch which will easily come off,)and everyone enjoyed it.
Fourteen year old Max even was able to hit a buzzard in flight.

Ain't God good?
Shalom Y'all

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