Sunday, November 27, 2005

I remember the Cap'n

He was my maternal grandfather, Captain Ernie Hall the last. That was the name on his card, because he was a sailing captain on the great lakes, had no brothers and no male cousins.
Yesterday I did a search to locate copies of a book he wrote. It was published in 1965 by Cornell Maritime Press and required years for him and his mate, the Marvelous Marvel to write.
The Cap'n was nearly blind. Although much of the material was stored in his memory. A lot of research was required. That was accomplished by the Marvelous Marvel reading aloud to him. He would sort out the information in his head, and dictate it to her. She would read it back out loud, he would mentally sort it out again, and re dictate.
I enjoyed so much listening to tales from the past he was wont to share. I suppose most folks didn't, and would sometimes try to avoid him.
I guess, in that regard, I've become my grandfather.

Shalom Y'all,

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