Wednesday, October 26, 2005


She attacked with fury.
Removed the soffit from the front of our house, destroyed the carrotwood tree, removed an awning, stripped the royal palm trees and the tomato plants, "messed up" the sugar apple tree and banana plants, blew water into the house around the edges of the front door, and left.

Neighbors came out and helped each other.....Again

Electric power was out three days. Water and sewer continued to function......Seems the City rented a generator to power the lift station down the street!
Pretty, (the Dalmation who allows us to live with her,) birds and I survived well. Memaw returned to a lot of the mess cleaned up.

Ain't God good?
He is a great God!
Shalom Y'all

Was praying for you guys! Glad to hear the update.
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