Monday, October 31, 2005

My little buddy
Brandon, at the young and tender age of seven is a bold, courageous Christian.
A few weeks ago our favorite son blessed Memaw with a newer car. She blessed Kathleen and the boys with her magnicifent Maxima.
Yesterday, while at dinner Kathleen called. Her car wouldn't start!
I drove to the store parking lot with some tools and met her there, a short distance from where they live.
As she approached she was talking on her mobile phone. Brandon was relating the circumstance of an encounter he had with a little neighbor boy. It went like this.
"Are you a christian?"
"Yes, Jesus died on the cross for me."
"Mom, can I play with him? He's just like us."

Ain't God good?
PLease pray for Kathleen, Dyllon and Brandon.
They may need to go into hiding.
They have "escaped" from Argentina and an abusive husband/father.
The rules of the Hague convention, which has been adopted by the United States, were written to help children like these are working counter to the benefit for these boys and judges are more interested in the letter of the law than it's intent.

Shalom Y'all

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