Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Sunday it was my job to amuse my favorite 7 year old while Mom, siblings and Memaw decorated for vacation bible school.
WE did lunch at Burger King and went to my house.
He wanted dessert. I suggested strawberries. "That's not dessert, that's fruit."
We each ate a chocolate bar instead.
He planted his very own sunflower plant, caught tadpoles, (which he forgot to take home for fish food,) went to the park, walked out on the pier, and discovered two old banjo ukeleles in my closet which need repair.
They are about eighty years old, a gift from my late mother.
I got one nearly finished before his Mom came to get him and he was so excited to play it, but didn't get to.
I will probably give one of them to him after I have taught him a few chords.
Actually, I only remember a few chords. After all, it's been more than forty years since I played one.

I love him so much I could just hug him to pieces, but since he is a little boy and "only girls get hugs," I guess I'll settle for the high fives.

Shalom Y'all

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