Saturday, January 08, 2005

Today I am an auto repair person, plumber, yard person, cook, (fresh greens from the garden)
and baker (whole wheat bread.)

The remaining Hall "girls," both are sisters to my late mother and are celebrating their birthdays in Bowie Texas.

Fay is 83 and Dorothy is 91.
I called them and dear aunt Dorothy was too tired to talk.
Too much party for her ageing self.

Auntie Fay, on the other hand, has outlived two husbands. Both of them suffered log illnesses. She nursed each of them for many years.
She has had two recent marraige proposals, both from men who are not well.

I told her "To use the vernacular, you've been there and done that. Enjoy being single."
She already had come to the same conclusion.

If her trip to Texas were not enough,
She and her daughter will visit here next week!

Ain't that something?

God bless and Shalom Y'all


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