Sunday, January 02, 2005


I’m not sure exactly why there is a lava lamp in our spare bedroom, but it is there.
When the room is dark except for the lava light there is an eerie glow.
My favorite seven year-old enjoys watching the light when he visits, goes to bed, and is “not tired.”
Of course, he is usually asleep in five minutes or so, as he and his sister, (my favorite ten year old,) were last night.
The weekend began with the two of us journeying to Walmart in order that I may purchase a fishing license.
There was no one in attendance at the sporting goods department to help us. We waited several minutes, and finally, in desperation called the store from my mobile phone.
Nearly a half hour and four calls later an old man appeared. Believe me, if I call someone old, that person is OLD.
As I asked the ancient clerk about getting a license another customer pleaded “Can I ask him one question? Of course I told him. “Go ahead.”
The man asked: “Where can I find a compass?”
“What?” The ancient clerk asked.
“Where can I find a compass.”
“Where can I find a compass?”
"Where can I find a compass?"
I finally interjected: “You know, a compass to find your way when you’re on a boat.”
“Oh! You mean a compass.” The ancient clerk replied.”
“Yes, a compass.”
“Over there by the boat equipment.” He said.
He then left me, my favorite seven year-old, (his name is David,) and others standing at the counter while he went off to show the fellow the compasses.
David, I, and the other customers laughed and patiently waited.
I finally got my license and that, in its self, was another interesting experience.
I will share more about our weekend in days to come.

Shalom Y’all

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