Wednesday, April 14, 2004
A quote from an “Ancient Landmark”
In the early 1600’s John Bunyan was born.
He began his preaching career in 1655 as a lay-preacher.
He suffered many years in prison because of his unwillingness to stop preaching, suffered much and wrote many books.
The last book he wrote was “The excellency of a broken heart.” This is a quote from that book.
“Conversion is not the smooth, easy-going process some men may seem to think………It is wounding work, of course, this breaking of hearts, but without wounding there is no saving…Where there is grafting there is a cutting, the scion must let in with a wound; to stick it on to the outside or tie it on with a string would be of no use. Heart must be set to heart and back to back, or there will be no sap from root to branch, and this I say, must done by a wound.”
Shalom, Y’all
In the early 1600’s John Bunyan was born.
He began his preaching career in 1655 as a lay-preacher.
He suffered many years in prison because of his unwillingness to stop preaching, suffered much and wrote many books.
The last book he wrote was “The excellency of a broken heart.” This is a quote from that book.
“Conversion is not the smooth, easy-going process some men may seem to think………It is wounding work, of course, this breaking of hearts, but without wounding there is no saving…Where there is grafting there is a cutting, the scion must let in with a wound; to stick it on to the outside or tie it on with a string would be of no use. Heart must be set to heart and back to back, or there will be no sap from root to branch, and this I say, must done by a wound.”
Shalom, Y’all