Tuesday, December 23, 2003

I have returned!
Nothing momentous there, it's just that my computer is un-broken.

My wife is acquainted with a lady whose just turned twenty yer old daughter is a soldier with the 101st Airborn, stationed in Iraq.

I don't know her but I am as proud of her as if she were one of my own grandchildren.
She was able to visit her mom and dad for thanksgiving.
At the airport when she was leaving for her return flight a passer-by made a negative comment about soldiers killing innocent babies. Only her Mom, Ella, heard the comment. Ella made an excuse to stay behind while the daughter and her Dad walked down the concourse.
When her husband realized that she was having a verbal altercation with the fellow he quickly returned and dragged the Ella away.
Once the plane was under way, the pilot made a positive announcement about the hero in the back of the plane.
Everyone cheered!!
They all gave her their peanuts to take with her because she and her buddy like them so much and there is almost nothing available in Iraq other rhan basic needs.
She was also escorted to the vacant seat in first class
for the remainder of the flight.
Ella stayed home from work the next day and cried.
God bless Ella, her husband, and her hero daughter.
God bless the crew, captain, and passengers who were on the flight and treated her so well.
God Bless America.
God bless You.


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