Tuesday, January 21, 2003
Ismael Hernandez comments about reparation for slavery to plack people.
He says: "Too many Black intellectuals...............continue to press the contingency where our advancement still depends on white action."
I say "Intelectuals?"
He also points out that thr GNP of blacks in America, if a country, would rank as the tenth most prosperous nation on the planet.
Consider where it would rank if such a disproportionate number of black people had not fallen prey to the rehtoric of the political left and become a large part of the dependent community, the community that has developed the attitude that government owes them a living!
Ismael sums a recent essay with these words. " Lets repair the moral foundations of our community. Let's get busy developing ourselves. Our success today is possible and would be the greatest reparation for the memory of our ancestors. We are the ones who owe it to them."
Well said, Ismael
If the black people who read Ismael's article dissagree, perhaps they should journey back to the lands of their ancestors and consider who has it better, those who stayed behind, or those in America. Then, perhaps the death of my great great uncle, who died fighting for the freedom of the slaves will not have been in vain.
The reparation crowd seems to think that the color of my skin somehow means I should pay!
THAT'S racism.
One of my favorite puns was seen on a sign hanging over an antique shop: "Remains to be seen."
Sign in a sporting goods store: "How about a boomerang for the girl who returns everything?"
Shalom, Y'all
He says: "Too many Black intellectuals...............continue to press the contingency where our advancement still depends on white action."
I say "Intelectuals?"
He also points out that thr GNP of blacks in America, if a country, would rank as the tenth most prosperous nation on the planet.
Consider where it would rank if such a disproportionate number of black people had not fallen prey to the rehtoric of the political left and become a large part of the dependent community, the community that has developed the attitude that government owes them a living!
Ismael sums a recent essay with these words. " Lets repair the moral foundations of our community. Let's get busy developing ourselves. Our success today is possible and would be the greatest reparation for the memory of our ancestors. We are the ones who owe it to them."
Well said, Ismael
If the black people who read Ismael's article dissagree, perhaps they should journey back to the lands of their ancestors and consider who has it better, those who stayed behind, or those in America. Then, perhaps the death of my great great uncle, who died fighting for the freedom of the slaves will not have been in vain.
The reparation crowd seems to think that the color of my skin somehow means I should pay!
THAT'S racism.
One of my favorite puns was seen on a sign hanging over an antique shop: "Remains to be seen."
Sign in a sporting goods store: "How about a boomerang for the girl who returns everything?"
Shalom, Y'all