Sunday, November 03, 2002

"What are little boys made of?
"Frogs and snails and puppydog tails."

I forget the name of the dude who wrote the poem about two hundred years ago from whench cometh those words, but my perspective is a little different.

A little boy is a bundle of love sent from heaven, perpetually in motion, who has more questions than answers and more energy than is needed.
God blessed part of our weekend with two of them. Inquisitive, loving, confrontational, innocent, BUSY!!!!!!!
Aint it great?!?!
"Suffer the little children to come unto me for such is the Kingdom of Heaven."
"Unless you can become as a little child you can in no wise enter into heaven."
Would that I could, gentle reader, but these old bones and this leathery hide ain't never gonna make it!
Oh! it's the innocent part? Well, .............. Maybe.

The sunset tonight was awsome! Cirrus clouds, scudding along, reflecting all that color and shadow.
And the vacant lot by the river?
Trees gone, covered with huge piles of dirt!
Had to enjoy the sunset from the back yard, huddled over a wheelbarrow full of dirt and horse manure, filling pots.
Ain't God good?
Thank you Lord for these two incredible days.
Could you do it tomorrow?
Even if it will be monday?

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Shalom Y'all

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