Sunday, November 17, 2002

Nine inches of rain in less than forty eight hours!
There is a natural phrnomenon happening which is causing the earth to slowly warm up.
It is called "Global Warming"
Some scientists even doubt that it is really happening.
Environmentalist Wackos blame it on you and me.
The wackos want us to believe we are denuding the landscape, burning too much fossil fuel, eating too much, whatever.
Other scientists tell us there is a natural cycle to forrests, wetlands, etc.
In this country there are more acres in forrest than there were at the turn of the century.
Then, Vemont was a wasteland of bare hillsides, and now is a state covered with forrests, (for example.)
If there is a human cause for any of this look to the former Soviet Socialist Republic, China, South America and Africa.
WE are not the villains.
WE are fixing what we broke, while others continue to destroy.
The unseasonable rain is the result of a "cold front."
Put that in your global warming pipe and smoke it! Wacko.

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