Friday, October 11, 2002

The once dead computer is alive!!!!!!!
It has a new main board and processor.
There are still problems, no sound.
I'll deal with that soon.

I have planted our fall garden. Well, most of it anyway.
The seminole pumpkin didn't germinate, nor did the chili peppers.
The vining okra did, however, one of three seeds. That is enough since they take up a lot of space.
The blossoms are dropping too soon!
What to do?
I have also passed around many small herb plants to others. Lemon grass, parsley, tarragon, dill, rosemary and basil.
Greens, planted from three year old seed are doing well as are the onions, but for some reason most of the pole beans died, perhaps the victims of windborne herbaside.
They have been replaced and the latest are doing well.
Finally the lettuce seeds have arrived and will be planted tomorrow.

Kathleen is going to Argentina tomorrow to be near her boys.
There is danger in this, perhaps even mortal danger, but she has good support from a missionary group, and a job offer.
Please pray for her, Dylon and Brandon.

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