Tuesday, August 27, 2002

Talked to daughter 'Becca today.
At their farm overlooking Torey Creek Valley in the Missouri Ozarks, they employ a biological control called Guinea Fowel.
The task of the guineas is to control the tick population near the house and barn.
There were four, two males and two females, but a hungry fox sneaked up on the blind side of one of the males and now there are three.
The two females are "settin."
One in the garden, the other nearby.
The ever protective male has been very busy lately warding off would be intruders.
Near the garden is an old apple tree.
(I think that tree was there already when Johnny Appleseed traveled the country planting.)
The tree is dropping apples and the deer like apples. As many as five have been observed harvesting at one time!
Mister guinea tries to intimidate the deer but only seems to annoy them.
I wish I could watch him heckleing that big old buck while the buck simply ignores him!
Maybe next year, but ain't God good?

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