Saturday, May 25, 2002

There never has been a Palestinian state.

Since the Jews began moving back to Israel at the turn of the century and especially since 1948 they have always welcomed Arab people. Many of Arabs are citizens of Israel and vote in elections.
The "Palestinians" who are refugees from Israel (not all are from Israel) were incited to leave by Arabs from other nations who could have absorbed them into their cultures, but refuse to do so.
The Jews never asked those people who are refugees to leave!
A very large portion of Jordan was removed from Israel and given to Jordan by the League of Nations.
That area was called Trans Jordan. It was stolen from Israel. This was done by the British who were given control by the League.
One has never seen or heard of a product with the words made in Palestine on the label because they produce nothing.
They are recipients of a type of welfare from the United states and others.
The United States media is probably the largest perpetrator of the lies about Israel and the "Palestinians" because they do not understand history, are anti Semitic, elitists, and hate the system which by it's very existence allows them to be so high profile and prominent.

"The lips of the wise spread knowledge; not so the hearts of fools." Proverbs 15:7

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem

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